Sunday, July 19, 2009

it's 4am and i can't sleep

today, while waiting for mummy to finish work, i decided to read the newspaper. LOL. and i stumbled across a not-so-very-big article that captured my attention...the headline was 'are you a social butterfly?'

i was like....hmmm....i like butterflies *lol.dumbass me*...and hmmm...i do consider myself quite i decided to scan the article, and i saw words like facebook and windows live and friendster in it...that got me hooked on right away!

basically the article was about this term called 'social buttefly' and how to know if you're an online one. okayy, let's plagiarise!! here's a checklist...u can consider yourself an online social butterfly if you:

  • have hundreds of friends and contacts across several social networking groups such as facebook, myspace, twitter, linkedin, windows live and friendster. *CHECK*
  • spend more than two hours a day flitting across different social networks to keep track of friends' updates; share ur updates with the community. download applications, upload photos, take a stab at quizzes, customize ur page and much more. *CHECK CHECK*
  • can't resist loggin on to a social network via ur PC, lappie or mobile phone any time you have few minutes to spare *DAYUM! as jul would say. this is so effing true*
  • often log on to ur social networks for a 'quick peek' while you're at work (or when u're supposed to be doing work) *shittt. this happens all the time*
  • feel disconnected if u haven't logged on to ur different social networks for a day.*i can TRIPPLE CHECK that!*

and guess what..the reason i'm still awake at this hour is because i woke up suddenly and remembered that i didn't check my facebook yesterday. wtfwtfwtf.

shyt, i have no life. LLAME. :P

~article can be found in NST Saturday, 14th july 09 issue. under 'YOU'.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

random updates

just talked to the chimp *yes, i'm referring to you, jul* hehe. busy man la that 'handsome boy'. :P

i've been back in shithole for 3 days now andddddddd....nothing productive has been done so far:

1) watched loads of movies: obsessed, the coffin, the uninvited, silent hill, aquamarine, saw, pink panther 2, and the latest...harry potter!! :)

2) slept over at joanne's place. we watched 3 horror movies in a row. slept at 5.30am. bahaha.

3) was depressed and moody yesterday cos i was so bored...(made jul moody too. :( sorry!)

4) got mad at someone cos that idiot gave me empty promises. screw you!

5) watched 'the city'. lameeeeeee.

i hope tomorrow *technically, it's today* will be better. going to 'trim' my hair! and there's uncle edwin's birthday partay to attend. yay! can dress up. :)

and sunday's christina's n aaron's confirmation. hehe. good food awaits me!! :P

Sunday, July 12, 2009

another must-do-before-i-die

we *me, jul, mich n pang* were watching 'the hangover' two days back...*yes, pirated version.haha*

and there was a scene where the guys stole a police car. damn cun!

so me n mich decided to put 'steal a police car and on the siren' in our 'things to do before we die' list. hehe. who wana join? put ur hands up! :P


p/s: i'm on holiday now! for two freaking months. wheeeeee. :))))

Saturday, July 4, 2009

a day of mixed feelings

i had finals today!
the subject is soooo embarrased to even mention the subject name. haha.
anyway, i think i studied quite enough. i could answer everything! : ) but it was superduper tiring...had to write non stop for two whole hours and i don't know left eye was watering during the, i wasn't crying! it was just watering by itself. and it sucked big time....having to wipe my tears with one hand while the other had to continue writing. had no time to even stop!

and after the exam...mich was hungry, and she asked me to teman her...and i randomly suggested midv *damn gatal my mouth* ...and she actually we went to pick siewsiew *mich's bf* who was sleeping like a pig at home...and the three of us reached midv like 2 hours later. stupid siewsiew lah, didnt want to mandi. haha.

in midv, we didnt know where to eat...and wasted another half an hour walking aimlessly...and then mich saw madam kwan' we were like....'okayyyylahhh, let's go'. but then, while walking ot madam kwan's...mich then saw pasta zanmai...then she gatal lah! sooo, we ended up there instead...and mygawd, dis siewsiew damn bloody jakun!! and he stole something from n mich ordered this ice fruit tea...and it came in a very long glass with a very long spoon/fork thing...almost the size of the 30cm ruler!...and he farking stole it, that mangkuk! uncivilized rite? there is more! after that, we walked around aimlessly awhile...and then went to carl's junior for beefchillicheesefries! yeshhh, yum yum! and then, siewsiew started drawing nonsense on my notebook...*pictures shall be uploaded when i do take pics of them!* haha. well, me n mich laugheddddd like nobody's business. i never laughed soooo hard before! :P and we were sooo noisy there, the three of us... with our veryyyy decent language. 'fark you' and many other censored words were said many times. haha. :P damn, such bad influence la you both!!!

yeaaaa, so that was the happy part of today. the sad part is that i couldn't attend the battleofthebands that was held in divinemercy. really wanted to gooo...:( cos someone was playing the drums...hehe. anyway, there's still cheer 09 to go tmrw! and im excited. wheeee! :)