this is weihan. he's ken's best friend.=) i got to know him a few weeks ago when i had to teman ken, mich and him play pool at ac...just when we're getting to know each other.*he is such a funny guy,joker sial*..he had to leave to singapore to studyyy.=((( soooo, this is a special post dedicated to you, wei han. i'm sure u'll never forget me after what happened at souled out during your farewell.hehehe.
*13 august 2008*souled out, sri hartamas.

weihan and the flaming lamborghini we ordered specially for him.

S.O.S.!!!!! *souled out shooters*

weihan feeling tipsy after his bottoms up.
after out first test tube shots.=)

S.O.S no more!! =(

what a lucky guy he is.=) mayying, mich, weihan, me and mandy.
su sheong/sheng/sheang *i didn't get ur name!!hehe sowee*, weihan and ken. the 3 best buddies.=)
so weihan, all the best in your studies...go singapore dee don't forget us ahh!!! kick u then u know.hehe...and when u're back...let us know, we go drink again kayyy.=))