so, when melis told me that her dog, skipper gave birth to 4 puppies (one died though, so left three only)....i was soooo excited... the following day after she told me, me and joanne went to her house right after we came back from penang...and OMFG, they're SOOOOOOOO blardy cute....
joanne and i holding fluffy, whiskey and scruffy.=)))
joanne holding fluffy, me holding whiskey and melis holding scruffy.EEEEK.
that's skipper, the mummy.
they look like teddy bears, don't they???
seeing them reminds me of last year when my dog, patch gave birth to 8 puppies (two died at birth though).....sooooo freaking adorable puppies they were....!!!!
patch and her six pupppies.=))))
the weird thing was...all six of them had same skin colour in pairs....
these are the brownish ones with black eyes...
these are the ones with a darker brown skin tone...
*the fat one on the left is oreo!*
and these are the two fully brown ones with pink noses.
that's oreo...the only one we kept for a year...then my parents nicely went and give it away to uncle george.=((((
i dunno why i just love dogs...ask me to choose between a baby and a dog/puppy...even if i'm blindfolded...i definitely choose the dog/puppy.hehe. don't ask me why....