gosh, it's been awhile since i've updated you with my rantings. and yes, much has happened over the period of my absence here.
after my finals *which weren't as bad as i had expected it to be* were over, i was back home in taiping. and since it was the xmas season, most of the time spent was about xmas. i did come back to kl for dinesh and debbie's wedding *which was so so awesome, one of the best weddings i've ever attended*. i drank like nobody's business and danced crazily.=) also got to meet up with edel, whom i knew when i was about 5 or 6. we used to love archie and watch cartoons together.haha. she's from newzealand, so it was nice seeing her all grown up.=)
from carolling and christmas cookies and christmas parties and turkeys and lambs and wine and more wine and food and dressing up*this year's theme for me was sexayyy*, xmas this year was indeed great cos i spent it with people whom i love and care about. =)
carolling at tesco~
oh guessed what, i can now marinate lamb and chicken!! bahahaha. it was indeed fun preparing for the barbeque we had in church... we had no choice but to have a barbeque cos tesco smartly gave us a rm150 tesco voucher for carolling there. though we were disappointed with tesco for ONLY giving us rm150 and of all things A VOUCHER, we had lots of fun shopping for the food. =)
ahhhh, another year has come and gone just like that. i wouldn't say that 2008 was my best year.i made a lot of stupid decisions and did some stuff which i'm not really proud of. but oh well, shit happens. haha. =P
and i'm so glad it's 2009 already. i've decided that i'm going to do things differently this year. i know it's only 6 days into the new year but i'm pretty serious about these changes i wanna make. so far so good. =)
ooooh, did i tell you that i'm staying in bangsar now. i've moved in with ella and vanessa...and i'm loving it here already. it's so nice having a roommate and housemates. they're such nice people.=) i do miss aunty rosalind and nevy *the maid who always laugh when she sees me*.i shall say no more bout them *or else il start tearing*
p/s: i'm glad we're close again. =)