this is for all the closed-minded people who can't keep their mouth shut:
i have a mouth, and i'm entitled to say whatever i want. same goes for you, you have a mouth and you are indeed entitled to say whatever you want...and if u have a problem with the things i say or do, tell it straight to me. i dun see the point of telling others when u can tell it to me straight.
thanx for ur cooperation.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
a wild poppy night
mayling wanted to club. me n mayling wanted to celebrate yenn's bday.yenn wanted to destress.
hence, we went for dinner at ciccio, changkat bukit bintang *awesome place!*
but, wait. before that. at 8.24pm, i called ml and she said, yenn, just picked me up. okla, so i thought it would take like 20 minutes max to reach bangsar from kelanajaya...8.50pm, belum datang...i was like wtf. then they came at only pass 9...reason: sesat jalan to taman! haha.from my hse, we used the directions i got from the 'very helpful' google maps.beginning okay lah....we were on track until we reached pasar seni. i was like, shit shit. the jalan that we're supposed to take can't be seen. no signs whatsoever. then suddenly i saw jalan tun perak...i was like yay! 'turn right at jalan tun perak' was direction number 10. damn weird. cos before that we were only at direction number 4. then we thought, awesome lahhhh, we 'found' a shortcut. haha. kebodohan. turn into that stupid jalan...then we got lost. yenn, who was driving, simply turned here n there...and 10 minutes later we were on the same road leading to pasar seni. maleh. haha. then we called juju for directions. juju, although u suck at giving directions, u are one lucky dude when it comes to directions. pakai bantai only that fella. :P
we reached ciccio for dinner at almost 10pm. we were soooo hungry, we quickly ordered pasta n pizza. the food tasted not bad. ;) then we had tiramisu as yenn's supposedly burfday cake. she got a shock when the waiter n waitress suddenly started singing happy burfday to her from behind. haha. so cute la yenn. we quickly ate our tiramisu cos we needed to rush to poppy. hehe.
juju with his great directions made yenn make two big rounds for fucks. haha. poppy was packed with people!! we were so excited we were at the dance floor awhile after we arrived. hehe. ohyes, i forgot to tell you, we went to poppy cos nicholas, juju's friend was celebrating his burfday there. it was one wild party...there was a pool beside our table...and everyone of us ended up in the pool by the end of our clubbing session. haha.all three of us got pushed into the pool. i dragged juju along in.bahaha.kesian that fella, now fluish n got rashes.:(
ahh, i'll never forget our poppy night cos i broke my precious heels! boohoo.nvm, got excuse to buy new one! :D
i'm supposed to be at euphoria now with my darlings, ml n yenn. but can't make it. busy busy busy and tired tired tired! have a great burfday tmrw, yenn!!! :) muax.
and happy burfday to mr nicholas tay AH BENG! *if u ever see this.haha*
hence, we went for dinner at ciccio, changkat bukit bintang *awesome place!*
but, wait. before that. at 8.24pm, i called ml and she said, yenn, just picked me up. okla, so i thought it would take like 20 minutes max to reach bangsar from kelanajaya...8.50pm, belum datang...i was like wtf. then they came at only pass 9...reason: sesat jalan to taman! haha.from my hse, we used the directions i got from the 'very helpful' google maps.beginning okay lah....we were on track until we reached pasar seni. i was like, shit shit. the jalan that we're supposed to take can't be seen. no signs whatsoever. then suddenly i saw jalan tun perak...i was like yay! 'turn right at jalan tun perak' was direction number 10. damn weird. cos before that we were only at direction number 4. then we thought, awesome lahhhh, we 'found' a shortcut. haha. kebodohan. turn into that stupid jalan...then we got lost. yenn, who was driving, simply turned here n there...and 10 minutes later we were on the same road leading to pasar seni. maleh. haha. then we called juju for directions. juju, although u suck at giving directions, u are one lucky dude when it comes to directions. pakai bantai only that fella. :P
we reached ciccio for dinner at almost 10pm. we were soooo hungry, we quickly ordered pasta n pizza. the food tasted not bad. ;) then we had tiramisu as yenn's supposedly burfday cake. she got a shock when the waiter n waitress suddenly started singing happy burfday to her from behind. haha. so cute la yenn. we quickly ate our tiramisu cos we needed to rush to poppy. hehe.
juju with his great directions made yenn make two big rounds for fucks. haha. poppy was packed with people!! we were so excited we were at the dance floor awhile after we arrived. hehe. ohyes, i forgot to tell you, we went to poppy cos nicholas, juju's friend was celebrating his burfday there. it was one wild party...there was a pool beside our table...and everyone of us ended up in the pool by the end of our clubbing session. haha.all three of us got pushed into the pool. i dragged juju along in.bahaha.kesian that fella, now fluish n got rashes.:(
ahh, i'll never forget our poppy night cos i broke my precious heels! boohoo.nvm, got excuse to buy new one! :D
i'm supposed to be at euphoria now with my darlings, ml n yenn. but can't make it. busy busy busy and tired tired tired! have a great burfday tmrw, yenn!!! :) muax.
and happy burfday to mr nicholas tay AH BENG! *if u ever see this.haha*
Thursday, September 24, 2009
you make me bipolar
all i want from you is a little effort put into this.
we're in this together, right?
is that too much to ask for?
we're in this together, right?
is that too much to ask for?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
i'm so excited about tomorrow (technically it's today) and the days to come...:)))
going for karaoke tmrw. wheeeee! we all had to abstain ourselves from karaoke for a month plus since emma had to puasa...and now since raya has come, our karaoke sessions are back to work! yay!
and my darling mayling is finishing her exam tmrw, sooooo lepak moments has come back. double yay! we'll be meeting up with nakki who's gonna leave for india soon. :(
and then sleepover baybehhhhh at my place. woohoo.
can't wait!
i am still super busyyyyy with classes, ASSes and halloween party planning, but then when it comes to hanging out with friends...gotta make room for them! ;)
speaking of halloween, do come to our halloween party on 30th october's a collaboration with HELP's bpsych student council...and it's gona be...AWE...wait for it....SOME!! *effects of watching too much how i met your mother hehe*
going for karaoke tmrw. wheeeee! we all had to abstain ourselves from karaoke for a month plus since emma had to puasa...and now since raya has come, our karaoke sessions are back to work! yay!
and my darling mayling is finishing her exam tmrw, sooooo lepak moments has come back. double yay! we'll be meeting up with nakki who's gonna leave for india soon. :(
and then sleepover baybehhhhh at my place. woohoo.
can't wait!
i am still super busyyyyy with classes, ASSes and halloween party planning, but then when it comes to hanging out with friends...gotta make room for them! ;)
speaking of halloween, do come to our halloween party on 30th october's a collaboration with HELP's bpsych student council...and it's gona be...AWE...wait for it....SOME!! *effects of watching too much how i met your mother hehe*
Monday, September 21, 2009
at first i thought that this 4 days of holiday is gonna be boringgg with me stuck at home studying all day long...or so i thought.hehe.
thanks to juju and eujin's great idea, we went on a day-trip to malacca! wheeeeeeeee.
since i'm in the mood for story-telling, shardap and read :P
juju picked me up from church at about 1.30pm and we headed to danial's place to pick him up...all the way to subang. poor juju had to drive from cheras to pj to subang and back to cheras.
however, we had a pit stop at danial's since he just woke up and haven't mandi and most importantly, haven't rubrub lotion on his body. *runs away from danial*
after danial was ready *which was an hour later*, we headed back to eujin's place...cos ej was drivin...and then all four of us we're headed to malacca!
we reached malacca about 5pm-ish. dis juju wanted to makan his super double malak shit so much...damn, he was like a mosquito okayyy...but we didn't adhere to his pleas. bahaha.
instead, we went and find the infamous jonker oh my, that place was really packed with people...took us a really long time just to walk thru some small street. and the was atrociously hot! juju bought us kampai while walking, and i have to tasted damn good!maybe it was because of the weather.
i tell you, we were like jakuns okayy. like we never saw old antique stuff before. i felt like a tourist. was soooo amazed to see the christ church and stadhuys building. yes, i've never been to malacca before! you must be thinking, 'call yourself a malaysian, huh?' right? haha.
and and we also ate chicken rice balls! bleh, so normal only. i duno why is it such a craze. maybe it's just me and my weird taste??
after eating, we walked along jonker street ...again! this time it was even more packed! felt like i was walking like a duck.haha. juju n danial bought shades...which were like 15bucks each only. i wanted one too but then juju said cannot! how sad... haha.
i sooo wanted a t-shirt from the orangutan house shop...but they were closed already when we walked back. all together now....*sobssssss*
in the end, i left malacca with only rubberbands that i bought to tie my hair (cos it was so hot!)...and of course, nice memories. :)
i wanna go to malacca again!! :D
*slaps own face*
*back to studying now.blurgh.*
thanks to juju and eujin's great idea, we went on a day-trip to malacca! wheeeeeeeee.
since i'm in the mood for story-telling, shardap and read :P
juju picked me up from church at about 1.30pm and we headed to danial's place to pick him up...all the way to subang. poor juju had to drive from cheras to pj to subang and back to cheras.
however, we had a pit stop at danial's since he just woke up and haven't mandi and most importantly, haven't rubrub lotion on his body. *runs away from danial*
after danial was ready *which was an hour later*, we headed back to eujin's place...cos ej was drivin...and then all four of us we're headed to malacca!
we reached malacca about 5pm-ish. dis juju wanted to makan his super double malak shit so much...damn, he was like a mosquito okayyy...but we didn't adhere to his pleas. bahaha.
instead, we went and find the infamous jonker oh my, that place was really packed with people...took us a really long time just to walk thru some small street. and the was atrociously hot! juju bought us kampai while walking, and i have to tasted damn good!maybe it was because of the weather.
i tell you, we were like jakuns okayy. like we never saw old antique stuff before. i felt like a tourist. was soooo amazed to see the christ church and stadhuys building. yes, i've never been to malacca before! you must be thinking, 'call yourself a malaysian, huh?' right? haha.
and and we also ate chicken rice balls! bleh, so normal only. i duno why is it such a craze. maybe it's just me and my weird taste??
after eating, we walked along jonker street ...again! this time it was even more packed! felt like i was walking like a duck.haha. juju n danial bought shades...which were like 15bucks each only. i wanted one too but then juju said cannot! how sad... haha.
i sooo wanted a t-shirt from the orangutan house shop...but they were closed already when we walked back. all together now....*sobssssss*
in the end, i left malacca with only rubberbands that i bought to tie my hair (cos it was so hot!)...and of course, nice memories. :)
i wanna go to malacca again!! :D
*slaps own face*
*back to studying now.blurgh.*
Sunday, September 13, 2009
eff off
you know what ticks me off?
old friends who do not seem to care about you anymore.
even when you try to make them notice you...they don't give two shits about you.
i'm even starting to think that they're not so fond of me...or maybe they're just too busy, but when opportunities arise to meet up, they don't even try...
and then, when they need you, they come to you like beggars. eek, farking irritating.
ahh, out you go. out of my life. shoo shoo.
old friends who do not seem to care about you anymore.
even when you try to make them notice you...they don't give two shits about you.
i'm even starting to think that they're not so fond of me...or maybe they're just too busy, but when opportunities arise to meet up, they don't even try...
and then, when they need you, they come to you like beggars. eek, farking irritating.
ahh, out you go. out of my life. shoo shoo.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
i am amazed bout:
1) how sleep (or rather a nap) can change one's mood.
i am. simply. amazed.
new semester has just started. i'm officially (as what sulin called) a sophomore. hehe. it's gonna be one crazy semester. i can just smell it. :P
1) how sleep (or rather a nap) can change one's mood.
i am. simply. amazed.
new semester has just started. i'm officially (as what sulin called) a sophomore. hehe. it's gonna be one crazy semester. i can just smell it. :P
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
it's 4am and i can't sleep
today, while waiting for mummy to finish work, i decided to read the newspaper. LOL. and i stumbled across a not-so-very-big article that captured my attention...the headline was 'are you a social butterfly?'
i was like....hmmm....i like butterflies *lol.dumbass me*...and hmmm...i do consider myself quite i decided to scan the article, and i saw words like facebook and windows live and friendster in it...that got me hooked on right away!
basically the article was about this term called 'social buttefly' and how to know if you're an online one. okayy, let's plagiarise!! here's a checklist...u can consider yourself an online social butterfly if you:
i was like....hmmm....i like butterflies *lol.dumbass me*...and hmmm...i do consider myself quite i decided to scan the article, and i saw words like facebook and windows live and friendster in it...that got me hooked on right away!
basically the article was about this term called 'social buttefly' and how to know if you're an online one. okayy, let's plagiarise!! here's a checklist...u can consider yourself an online social butterfly if you:
- have hundreds of friends and contacts across several social networking groups such as facebook, myspace, twitter, linkedin, windows live and friendster. *CHECK*
- spend more than two hours a day flitting across different social networks to keep track of friends' updates; share ur updates with the community. download applications, upload photos, take a stab at quizzes, customize ur page and much more. *CHECK CHECK*
- can't resist loggin on to a social network via ur PC, lappie or mobile phone any time you have few minutes to spare *DAYUM! as jul would say. this is so effing true*
- often log on to ur social networks for a 'quick peek' while you're at work (or when u're supposed to be doing work) *shittt. this happens all the time*
- feel disconnected if u haven't logged on to ur different social networks for a day.*i can TRIPPLE CHECK that!*
and guess what..the reason i'm still awake at this hour is because i woke up suddenly and remembered that i didn't check my facebook yesterday. wtfwtfwtf.
shyt, i have no life. LLAME. :P
~article can be found in NST Saturday, 14th july 09 issue. under 'YOU'.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
random updates
just talked to the chimp *yes, i'm referring to you, jul* hehe. busy man la that 'handsome boy'. :P
i've been back in shithole for 3 days now andddddddd....nothing productive has been done so far:
1) watched loads of movies: obsessed, the coffin, the uninvited, silent hill, aquamarine, saw, pink panther 2, and the latest...harry potter!! :)
2) slept over at joanne's place. we watched 3 horror movies in a row. slept at 5.30am. bahaha.
3) was depressed and moody yesterday cos i was so bored...(made jul moody too. :( sorry!)
4) got mad at someone cos that idiot gave me empty promises. screw you!
5) watched 'the city'. lameeeeeee.
i hope tomorrow *technically, it's today* will be better. going to 'trim' my hair! and there's uncle edwin's birthday partay to attend. yay! can dress up. :)
and sunday's christina's n aaron's confirmation. hehe. good food awaits me!! :P
i've been back in shithole for 3 days now andddddddd....nothing productive has been done so far:
1) watched loads of movies: obsessed, the coffin, the uninvited, silent hill, aquamarine, saw, pink panther 2, and the latest...harry potter!! :)
2) slept over at joanne's place. we watched 3 horror movies in a row. slept at 5.30am. bahaha.
3) was depressed and moody yesterday cos i was so bored...(made jul moody too. :( sorry!)
4) got mad at someone cos that idiot gave me empty promises. screw you!
5) watched 'the city'. lameeeeeee.
i hope tomorrow *technically, it's today* will be better. going to 'trim' my hair! and there's uncle edwin's birthday partay to attend. yay! can dress up. :)
and sunday's christina's n aaron's confirmation. hehe. good food awaits me!! :P
Sunday, July 12, 2009
another must-do-before-i-die
we *me, jul, mich n pang* were watching 'the hangover' two days back...*yes, pirated version.haha*
and there was a scene where the guys stole a police car. damn cun!
so me n mich decided to put 'steal a police car and on the siren' in our 'things to do before we die' list. hehe. who wana join? put ur hands up! :P
p/s: i'm on holiday now! for two freaking months. wheeeeee. :))))
and there was a scene where the guys stole a police car. damn cun!
so me n mich decided to put 'steal a police car and on the siren' in our 'things to do before we die' list. hehe. who wana join? put ur hands up! :P
p/s: i'm on holiday now! for two freaking months. wheeeeee. :))))
Saturday, July 4, 2009
a day of mixed feelings
i had finals today!
the subject is soooo embarrased to even mention the subject name. haha.
anyway, i think i studied quite enough. i could answer everything! : ) but it was superduper tiring...had to write non stop for two whole hours and i don't know left eye was watering during the, i wasn't crying! it was just watering by itself. and it sucked big time....having to wipe my tears with one hand while the other had to continue writing. had no time to even stop!
and after the exam...mich was hungry, and she asked me to teman her...and i randomly suggested midv *damn gatal my mouth* ...and she actually we went to pick siewsiew *mich's bf* who was sleeping like a pig at home...and the three of us reached midv like 2 hours later. stupid siewsiew lah, didnt want to mandi. haha.
in midv, we didnt know where to eat...and wasted another half an hour walking aimlessly...and then mich saw madam kwan' we were like....'okayyyylahhh, let's go'. but then, while walking ot madam kwan's...mich then saw pasta zanmai...then she gatal lah! sooo, we ended up there instead...and mygawd, dis siewsiew damn bloody jakun!! and he stole something from n mich ordered this ice fruit tea...and it came in a very long glass with a very long spoon/fork thing...almost the size of the 30cm ruler!...and he farking stole it, that mangkuk! uncivilized rite? there is more! after that, we walked around aimlessly awhile...and then went to carl's junior for beefchillicheesefries! yeshhh, yum yum! and then, siewsiew started drawing nonsense on my notebook...*pictures shall be uploaded when i do take pics of them!* haha. well, me n mich laugheddddd like nobody's business. i never laughed soooo hard before! :P and we were sooo noisy there, the three of us... with our veryyyy decent language. 'fark you' and many other censored words were said many times. haha. :P damn, such bad influence la you both!!!
yeaaaa, so that was the happy part of today. the sad part is that i couldn't attend the battleofthebands that was held in divinemercy. really wanted to gooo...:( cos someone was playing the drums...hehe. anyway, there's still cheer 09 to go tmrw! and im excited. wheeee! :)
the subject is soooo embarrased to even mention the subject name. haha.
anyway, i think i studied quite enough. i could answer everything! : ) but it was superduper tiring...had to write non stop for two whole hours and i don't know left eye was watering during the, i wasn't crying! it was just watering by itself. and it sucked big time....having to wipe my tears with one hand while the other had to continue writing. had no time to even stop!
and after the exam...mich was hungry, and she asked me to teman her...and i randomly suggested midv *damn gatal my mouth* ...and she actually we went to pick siewsiew *mich's bf* who was sleeping like a pig at home...and the three of us reached midv like 2 hours later. stupid siewsiew lah, didnt want to mandi. haha.
in midv, we didnt know where to eat...and wasted another half an hour walking aimlessly...and then mich saw madam kwan' we were like....'okayyyylahhh, let's go'. but then, while walking ot madam kwan's...mich then saw pasta zanmai...then she gatal lah! sooo, we ended up there instead...and mygawd, dis siewsiew damn bloody jakun!! and he stole something from n mich ordered this ice fruit tea...and it came in a very long glass with a very long spoon/fork thing...almost the size of the 30cm ruler!...and he farking stole it, that mangkuk! uncivilized rite? there is more! after that, we walked around aimlessly awhile...and then went to carl's junior for beefchillicheesefries! yeshhh, yum yum! and then, siewsiew started drawing nonsense on my notebook...*pictures shall be uploaded when i do take pics of them!* haha. well, me n mich laugheddddd like nobody's business. i never laughed soooo hard before! :P and we were sooo noisy there, the three of us... with our veryyyy decent language. 'fark you' and many other censored words were said many times. haha. :P damn, such bad influence la you both!!!
yeaaaa, so that was the happy part of today. the sad part is that i couldn't attend the battleofthebands that was held in divinemercy. really wanted to gooo...:( cos someone was playing the drums...hehe. anyway, there's still cheer 09 to go tmrw! and im excited. wheeee! :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
viewer's discretion is advised
wednesday, 17th june 2009 was one day full of misfortunes!

1) i woke up early....but wasted my time doing dunno what that i was late in the end. had to take the cab to coll. bloody cab driver took the wrong way. reached coll right on the dot, just in time for my psychological test nonsense.
2) psych test was shitty. i kept skipping questions without knowing and circled most of my answers wrongly...wasted time liquidpaper-ing the answers. yes, am very anal about neatness. eyes were @.@ by the time i was done with the test.
3) had to go all the way back to mainblock to meet mich, emma n nessa for L4D! but while i was walking up the stairs to meet them...*guess i was so excited cos can finally play L4D all*...i tripped. i farking tripped! rofl. squeaked 'fark' in public. :P and i didn't realise any wounds until i looked down. at first, i saw my nail polish on my big left toenail was scraped off...but then....i saw the nail buldgeing out halfway....ewwwww. i broke my toenail!!
looks horrible horrrrrrr.
4) kena laughed at by mich, emma, ella and nessa from the moment i told them what happened, in the clinic and all day! ishhh. such bytches*whom i still love of course. :P*!! had to fork out 20 bucks just for dressing. maleh.
5) some girl stepped on my foot *the other one, thank god!* while i was paying for my food. ishhh.
6) in design class, we sit on these chairs that got the table thing *can move one*. and the lap thingie fell on my head while i was trying to take my file. ish.
7) and then when i was coming out of the bus, my poor wounded toe terkena nessa's shoes.....PAINNNN!!!!
8) and i couldn't sleep most of the night cos the toe like that...finally settled for an awkward position. LOL.
and now i'm walking around like with a bandaged toe! sooooo retarded. :P

bahahaha. :P
i am such a clumsydumsy, aren't i?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
just remembered something funny that happened last week.
uncle abdon and aunty rajes who came down from aussie for my cousin, mark's wedding...met up with me for breakfast in somewhere in bangsar.
we decided to eat chinese and aunty wanted to sit outside since they don't have such 'outside stalls' in aussie.
trying to be a good niece *hehe*, i just agreed with everything...even the food they ordered.
so, while i was halfway through with my wantanmee, i suddenly felt like really full already cos i don't usually eat breakfast and i had gastric problem the week before and was just recovering from it.
in my mind, i was like praying really hard so that i can finish up my food...cos people ajak makan, then if don't finish...not nice, rite?
seconds later...guess what happened? bird poo fell on my food. LMAO. like out of nowhere, suddenly it just 'plop'-ed on my food. hahaha.
i laughed like shyt man...but inside, i was secretly thanking god for answering my littlesillyprayer.
uncle abdon and aunty rajes who came down from aussie for my cousin, mark's wedding...met up with me for breakfast in somewhere in bangsar.
we decided to eat chinese and aunty wanted to sit outside since they don't have such 'outside stalls' in aussie.
trying to be a good niece *hehe*, i just agreed with everything...even the food they ordered.
so, while i was halfway through with my wantanmee, i suddenly felt like really full already cos i don't usually eat breakfast and i had gastric problem the week before and was just recovering from it.
in my mind, i was like praying really hard so that i can finish up my food...cos people ajak makan, then if don't finish...not nice, rite?
seconds later...guess what happened? bird poo fell on my food. LMAO. like out of nowhere, suddenly it just 'plop'-ed on my food. hahaha.
i laughed like shyt man...but inside, i was secretly thanking god for answering my littlesillyprayer.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
john schlitt-there is someone
As you walk the path you chose
It leaves you nowhere else to go
Your bridges burned
You think you've gone too far
You feel the life that you've been living
But there is someone who loves you
Just the way you are
There is someone
Who loves you just the way you are
There is someone
Who holds you deep within His heart
With the Father's love, He's waiting
So rush into His open arms
There is someone
Who loves you just the way you are
If you could only see yourself
Through the eyes of someone else
You'd know the love that's there
Right from the start
All your fears and doubts would melt
From the tenderness you felt
From this someone who loves you
Just the way you are
Never a shadow of turning at all
Always so faithful and true
Ready to catch you whenever you fall
He's calling out to you
*gosh, love these lyrics...: ) *
p/s: bro sang this song in church, and i cried. I CRIED. haha.
It leaves you nowhere else to go
Your bridges burned
You think you've gone too far
You feel the life that you've been living
But there is someone who loves you
Just the way you are
There is someone
Who loves you just the way you are
There is someone
Who holds you deep within His heart
With the Father's love, He's waiting
So rush into His open arms
There is someone
Who loves you just the way you are
If you could only see yourself
Through the eyes of someone else
You'd know the love that's there
Right from the start
All your fears and doubts would melt
From the tenderness you felt
From this someone who loves you
Just the way you are
Never a shadow of turning at all
Always so faithful and true
Ready to catch you whenever you fall
He's calling out to you
*gosh, love these lyrics...: ) *
p/s: bro sang this song in church, and i cried. I CRIED. haha.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
grrrrr you.
a few i-feel-like-slapping-someone incidents have happened lately.
1) i lost my harddisk. my precious 'rachel's' is goneeeeee. :( shit man, i had around 100 movies inside there...and hundreds of songs...and not forgetting the many series i have *how i met your mother, gossipgirl, 90210, jeffdunham, russellpeters, heroes* and also my designs which i'm supposed to pass up this week. motherrrrrr! :( the farker who has it is seriously damn lucky, screw you!
2) went to church just now. and when i was walking out...some biatch approached me asking me to buy their fundraising movie tickets...and i politely said 'no thanks' *cos i mmg got not enuff money to buy it, not that i didn't want to*...and while i was walking away...she said 'mean people' out loud. wtf man. in church some more....!
ishhh, spoil my mood only. but someone made me smile just now. hehe :)
1) i lost my harddisk. my precious 'rachel's' is goneeeeee. :( shit man, i had around 100 movies inside there...and hundreds of songs...and not forgetting the many series i have *how i met your mother, gossipgirl, 90210, jeffdunham, russellpeters, heroes* and also my designs which i'm supposed to pass up this week. motherrrrrr! :( the farker who has it is seriously damn lucky, screw you!
2) went to church just now. and when i was walking out...some biatch approached me asking me to buy their fundraising movie tickets...and i politely said 'no thanks' *cos i mmg got not enuff money to buy it, not that i didn't want to*...and while i was walking away...she said 'mean people' out loud. wtf man. in church some more....!
ishhh, spoil my mood only. but someone made me smile just now. hehe :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
abit the off
current obsessions:
1. boys over flowers. korean version. * giving the WTF look to myself*
2. electric blue.
i'm in disbelief too.
1. boys over flowers. korean version. * giving the WTF look to myself*
2. electric blue.
i'm in disbelief too.
Friday, May 15, 2009
supriseeee joanne!!
just came back from joanne's suprise birthday partyyyyy. :)
glad that she was REALLY suprised.
pinky sort of bluffed her that she was going off somewhere to further her studies and wanted to meet up before she left. LOL. and joanne, being the innocent person she is, actually fell for it. well, i would too if i was told so. :P
and soooo, pinky, jira, melis, joanne and i went to eden *yes, i noe. AGAIN!* for dinner. we made the place damnnnn happening with our loudness. i secretly think the workers there were glad that we left. hahaha. :P
after dinner, we suddenly felt like being naughty. ;P and i shall end my story here....
*no pics la. we were sooo happily laughing until forgot to take any pic. haha*
glad that she was REALLY suprised.
pinky sort of bluffed her that she was going off somewhere to further her studies and wanted to meet up before she left. LOL. and joanne, being the innocent person she is, actually fell for it. well, i would too if i was told so. :P
and soooo, pinky, jira, melis, joanne and i went to eden *yes, i noe. AGAIN!* for dinner. we made the place damnnnn happening with our loudness. i secretly think the workers there were glad that we left. hahaha. :P
after dinner, we suddenly felt like being naughty. ;P and i shall end my story here....
*no pics la. we were sooo happily laughing until forgot to take any pic. haha*
Thursday, May 14, 2009
here i am STILL in taiping. practically drained out. doing what, you may ask?
well, doing...NOTHING! i don't know whether is it the weather or my upsidedown sleeping time, but i feel extremely tired nowadays.
hence, i've started exercising! yes, this lazy-never-do-any-sports me has been actually exercising. hahaha.
ohya, i'm actually supposed to be back in kl one...but then i only have one class this week which was on daddy gave me the green light to ponteng. :)) so that's whyyyyy i'm still stuck in this shithole. sorry taiping, i love you but tooo much of you is a pain in the ass. *avoiding all the stone throwing by the taiping-ians*
nothing beneficial has been done this week so far...except exercising. LOL. ohyes, i did go out with xian en for a drink. lama tak jumpa that macho man *alex calls him* and i bumped into edward and daryl *church kaki's*... :)
went out for dinner at eden just now for some church aunty's birthday. and there was this super duper hyper 4 yr old kid named adrian who was running all over the small tiny space in the restaurant...gosh, he's so cute. and he's from uk. ada accent. somehow people with accent just catch my attention. :) and his mom, allison knew me. sh e was like...'omg, she's so big already. last time so small only' to my mum... haiyo, of course i'm big ade...expect me to still be a small kid meh? and then she said...'this reminds me of how old i am'. somehow, adults realise how old they're getting through the aging of the kids heh? :P
talking about eden, that place used to be my favourite makan place when i was small...parents used to bring me there for my birthdays...and i remember ordering chicken chop and hot chocolate every single birthday when we went there. i don't know why i liked their hot chocolate so much cos i hate hot chocolate now. in fact, i used to get stomach ache after eating there everytime. lol.
news, i like: sushan, my ex-classmate from highschool has come to HELP! yay. she got a scholarship from thestar and she's gonna do masscomm. and guess what? so ngam im gonna do 2 masscomm subjects as my electives this sem...and we're taking one same subject! omg, damn cun rite?? :) sooo happie to have a taiping friend in the same class with me.
looking forward to having fun with you, sushan. :)
well, doing...NOTHING! i don't know whether is it the weather or my upsidedown sleeping time, but i feel extremely tired nowadays.
hence, i've started exercising! yes, this lazy-never-do-any-sports me has been actually exercising. hahaha.
ohya, i'm actually supposed to be back in kl one...but then i only have one class this week which was on daddy gave me the green light to ponteng. :)) so that's whyyyyy i'm still stuck in this shithole. sorry taiping, i love you but tooo much of you is a pain in the ass. *avoiding all the stone throwing by the taiping-ians*
nothing beneficial has been done this week so far...except exercising. LOL. ohyes, i did go out with xian en for a drink. lama tak jumpa that macho man *alex calls him* and i bumped into edward and daryl *church kaki's*... :)
went out for dinner at eden just now for some church aunty's birthday. and there was this super duper hyper 4 yr old kid named adrian who was running all over the small tiny space in the restaurant...gosh, he's so cute. and he's from uk. ada accent. somehow people with accent just catch my attention. :) and his mom, allison knew me. sh e was like...'omg, she's so big already. last time so small only' to my mum... haiyo, of course i'm big ade...expect me to still be a small kid meh? and then she said...'this reminds me of how old i am'. somehow, adults realise how old they're getting through the aging of the kids heh? :P
talking about eden, that place used to be my favourite makan place when i was small...parents used to bring me there for my birthdays...and i remember ordering chicken chop and hot chocolate every single birthday when we went there. i don't know why i liked their hot chocolate so much cos i hate hot chocolate now. in fact, i used to get stomach ache after eating there everytime. lol.
news, i like: sushan, my ex-classmate from highschool has come to HELP! yay. she got a scholarship from thestar and she's gonna do masscomm. and guess what? so ngam im gonna do 2 masscomm subjects as my electives this sem...and we're taking one same subject! omg, damn cun rite?? :) sooo happie to have a taiping friend in the same class with me.
looking forward to having fun with you, sushan. :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
so this is a conversation i had with kiavin on msn just now:
Kia Vin says:
u no need do la
dun take 220
rachel the creature says:
duno wana do or not oso
u dowanna see me la now
Kia Vin says:
hahah so smart
no la
do la do la
rachel the creature says:
Kia Vin says:
i miss ur cili padi face
rachel the creature says:
my cili padi face???
i have a cili padi face?
Kia Vin says:
ok not ur face
ur height
rachel the creature says:
Kia Vin says:
true wert
but pedas
simply whack ppl
rachel the creature says:
u wait!. monday u gona kena.
yes, i noe this is like LAME-O...but he called me cilipadi!! u are so gona kena, kiavin!HAHA. yess, i love whacking kiavin n logan in class. although they like to talk crap and bully me...i can actually study when i'm sitting with them compared to when im sitting with my gurlfrens...cos those crazee gurls make me hyper. i still love youuu: emma, mich, ella and nessa. :)
that's them...the ones in blue n white. :P
and now kiavin's happy cos i'm giving him chupachups on monday. =.=
pardon me for not updating you on the penang trip. shall do it the next post. waiting for pics! :)
kena tagged by vince:
*i noe this is like more than a month late but i just read ur blog, vince! sorrryyy. ;)*
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
What is your name: rachel :)
A four letter word: robe
A boy’s name: roger. *i miss lepak-ing with you n the other two musketeers!*
A girl’s name: ruby ruby ruby ruby *ex-housemate*
An occupation: rubbish collector? ahahah.
A color: red *nail em*
Something you’ll wear: a ring. :)
A food: roasted chicken. yum yum.
Something found in the bathroom: rubber ducky? haha.
A place: russia
A reason for being late: it was Raining. ;)
Something you’d shout: ROARRRR. lol.
A movie title: raising helen. nice movie.
Something you drink: ribena. haha
A musical group: rage against the machine!!
An animal: rabbit. i miss my floppy and loppy~~
A street name: i have no freaking idea. Rachel Street 90210? haha.
A type of car: rolls royce.
The title of a song: right round by flo-rida. *youuuuu spinnnn myyyy headdd righttt roundddd....*
i tag...
lei sulin meiyen *just because i miss you babes*
*i noe this is like more than a month late but i just read ur blog, vince! sorrryyy. ;)*
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
What is your name: rachel :)
A four letter word: robe
A boy’s name: roger. *i miss lepak-ing with you n the other two musketeers!*
A girl’s name: ruby ruby ruby ruby *ex-housemate*
An occupation: rubbish collector? ahahah.
A color: red *nail em*
Something you’ll wear: a ring. :)
A food: roasted chicken. yum yum.
Something found in the bathroom: rubber ducky? haha.
A place: russia
A reason for being late: it was Raining. ;)
Something you’d shout: ROARRRR. lol.
A movie title: raising helen. nice movie.
Something you drink: ribena. haha
A musical group: rage against the machine!!
An animal: rabbit. i miss my floppy and loppy~~
A street name: i have no freaking idea. Rachel Street 90210? haha.
A type of car: rolls royce.
The title of a song: right round by flo-rida. *youuuuu spinnnn myyyy headdd righttt roundddd....*
i tag...
lei sulin meiyen *just because i miss you babes*
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
and here i come again
tomorrow, tomorrow, i love youuuuu tomorrow.....
cos we're going to penanggggg tomorrow !!!!
after wasting two weeks doing nothing...them kl peeps are finally coming up to save me. haha :)
see you tomorrow, mich & ken & alan & vince & victor & xueying!!
we shall paint penang red, blue, green, black, white, yellow, orange...!!
woo hoo.
today was pretty fun as i finally went out with friends today.
met up with alex dalin, neldo dodo, enghooi the small kid and their friend kris. we watched xmen at taipingsentral. :)
felt good cos today i finally managed to belanja alex for his burfday. long time never belanja people ade cos im always broke. *i blame it on the malls. hehe*
cos we're going to penanggggg tomorrow !!!!
after wasting two weeks doing nothing...them kl peeps are finally coming up to save me. haha :)
see you tomorrow, mich & ken & alan & vince & victor & xueying!!
we shall paint penang red, blue, green, black, white, yellow, orange...!!
woo hoo.
today was pretty fun as i finally went out with friends today.
met up with alex dalin, neldo dodo, enghooi the small kid and their friend kris. we watched xmen at taipingsentral. :)
felt good cos today i finally managed to belanja alex for his burfday. long time never belanja people ade cos im always broke. *i blame it on the malls. hehe*
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
happy are those who have not seen yet believe
today's been a mix of emotions.
woke up at 2.30pm *nice life, heh?*
then went driving around the church car park while daddy met up with some dude.
since the car park was empty shit... i felt so care-free. turn here turn there reverse here reverse there like nobody's business.
i guess that's partly due to the fact that i've not driven for months !
that was the happy part of my day.
and then daddy got an sms. someone's brother died. and he's only 20.
at first, i was like....poor thing, he's only 20. and then it hit me...i'm gonna be 20 this year too.
i decided to follow my parents to the house to pay our last respects.and when i entered the house...i saw his picture. i know him! i've seen him before...somewhere, but i couldn't seem to retrace back where.
it saddens me even more to see a peer lose his life a such a young leave the world when u've just started figuring things out. what's even more sad about rita's brother death was that they lost their father just seven months ago...and her brother came back from kl to support the family since he was the eldest son.
when i heard that from heart dropped. i really don't know how they're gonna pull through this tragedy with nothing to fall back on but i sure hope with god's grace that everthing would be fine for them.
i guess i should be really grateful for the life i have. i don't think i've appreaciated most of what i fact, i have sooooo much compared to other people whose life seems so much topsy turvy than mine. i've been so caught up with the world, always wanting more than i can actually afford...that i lacked in just being thankful for the many things that i do have: a loving family, great friends, being able to go to further my education, a nice homely home, and most importantly i always have something to fall back on when everything seems out of place. i have jesus. :)
.:. R.I.P. Samson .:.
woke up at 2.30pm *nice life, heh?*
then went driving around the church car park while daddy met up with some dude.
since the car park was empty shit... i felt so care-free. turn here turn there reverse here reverse there like nobody's business.
i guess that's partly due to the fact that i've not driven for months !
that was the happy part of my day.
and then daddy got an sms. someone's brother died. and he's only 20.
at first, i was like....poor thing, he's only 20. and then it hit me...i'm gonna be 20 this year too.
i decided to follow my parents to the house to pay our last respects.and when i entered the house...i saw his picture. i know him! i've seen him before...somewhere, but i couldn't seem to retrace back where.
it saddens me even more to see a peer lose his life a such a young leave the world when u've just started figuring things out. what's even more sad about rita's brother death was that they lost their father just seven months ago...and her brother came back from kl to support the family since he was the eldest son.
when i heard that from heart dropped. i really don't know how they're gonna pull through this tragedy with nothing to fall back on but i sure hope with god's grace that everthing would be fine for them.
i guess i should be really grateful for the life i have. i don't think i've appreaciated most of what i fact, i have sooooo much compared to other people whose life seems so much topsy turvy than mine. i've been so caught up with the world, always wanting more than i can actually afford...that i lacked in just being thankful for the many things that i do have: a loving family, great friends, being able to go to further my education, a nice homely home, and most importantly i always have something to fall back on when everything seems out of place. i have jesus. :)
.:. R.I.P. Samson .:.
Monday, May 4, 2009
so friday's shopping with mommy was not baddddd.
bought some really nice stuff *hint hint: sexayyy top. :P*
can u guess how semangat me n my mum were to shop?
we were at the blardy mall before 9am. LOL. yes, before the damn shops were opened! *that's actually cos dad had to conduct a seminar at he had no choice but to drop us there*
luckily starbucks open at 9am. soooo, went there and goyang kaki for 1 and half hours. i actually slept in starbucks. was soooo sleepy. oh yess, try their new dark berry mocha *damnnnn nice!*
and at 10.30am sharp...we both got up and walked walked walked try baju here try baju there walked walked walked *!^(#~ till i didn't even want to enter any more shops. *wow, first time for me the shop addict*
all in all, im glad i could spend some time with mommy doing what we love best: raiding the malls. =)
pizza hut's service in tpg sucks big time.
and i lost my temper there yesterday.
blardy workers are damn lembab. we actually waited for more than 30 minutes just to get our orders. can u believe it?!
i dunno how daddie can be so patient. i guess i inherited my short-temperedness from mommy cos she asked for the manager...and complained kau kau. haha. wasted she didn't know dat can ask for everything free. sooo we only didn't have to pay service charge. maleh.
i can't wait for my kl peeps to come to tpg!!! hopefully everything goes according to the plan *if they can actually come up with one. haha. crossing fingers*
u people better come and save me from boredom!!! :S
bought some really nice stuff *hint hint: sexayyy top. :P*
can u guess how semangat me n my mum were to shop?
we were at the blardy mall before 9am. LOL. yes, before the damn shops were opened! *that's actually cos dad had to conduct a seminar at he had no choice but to drop us there*
luckily starbucks open at 9am. soooo, went there and goyang kaki for 1 and half hours. i actually slept in starbucks. was soooo sleepy. oh yess, try their new dark berry mocha *damnnnn nice!*
and at 10.30am sharp...we both got up and walked walked walked try baju here try baju there walked walked walked *!^(#~ till i didn't even want to enter any more shops. *wow, first time for me the shop addict*
all in all, im glad i could spend some time with mommy doing what we love best: raiding the malls. =)
pizza hut's service in tpg sucks big time.
and i lost my temper there yesterday.
blardy workers are damn lembab. we actually waited for more than 30 minutes just to get our orders. can u believe it?!
i dunno how daddie can be so patient. i guess i inherited my short-temperedness from mommy cos she asked for the manager...and complained kau kau. haha. wasted she didn't know dat can ask for everything free. sooo we only didn't have to pay service charge. maleh.
i can't wait for my kl peeps to come to tpg!!! hopefully everything goes according to the plan *if they can actually come up with one. haha. crossing fingers*
u people better come and save me from boredom!!! :S
Thursday, April 30, 2009
2 and a half months(plus/minus).
gosh, has it been that long?
i guess it has really been that long, cos i seriously dunno what to blog ade.
much much much. and much has happened over the course of these two months.
it's been pretty hectic. tiring. sucky. moody. crazy. bitchy. and yet i duno what to tell you.
no no, i'm gonna make myself do this. here it goes:
* cried over patch's sudden going away.
* waved goodbye to my best friend who's gone totally indian now =P
* gone so much closer to my darling mayling. drink drank drunk with her alot. MOS awaits us! :)
* movies. movies. movies.
* stupid laptop crashed at the 'best' moment when i had all my assignments due.
and now that it's all over...i feel so lost.
i've been reading other people's blogs for the past two hours...
people are so happy, they're having a blast, having a LIFE.
and what am i doing? NOTHING.
shyt, i hate being on holidays. i wanna go back to coll.
i miss all the busy-ness.
i miss being busy? yes, i think i do.
the adrenaline rush i get from not having enough time, yet giving it my all and getting awesome results out of it...
fun, rite? hehe.
i must be crazy. lol.
i can't wait for friiiidayyyyy. shopping with mommy!! she promised :)
gosh, has it been that long?
i guess it has really been that long, cos i seriously dunno what to blog ade.
much much much. and much has happened over the course of these two months.
it's been pretty hectic. tiring. sucky. moody. crazy. bitchy. and yet i duno what to tell you.
no no, i'm gonna make myself do this. here it goes:
* cried over patch's sudden going away.
* waved goodbye to my best friend who's gone totally indian now =P
* gone so much closer to my darling mayling. drink drank drunk with her alot. MOS awaits us! :)
* movies. movies. movies.
* stupid laptop crashed at the 'best' moment when i had all my assignments due.
and now that it's all over...i feel so lost.
i've been reading other people's blogs for the past two hours...
people are so happy, they're having a blast, having a LIFE.
and what am i doing? NOTHING.
shyt, i hate being on holidays. i wanna go back to coll.
i miss all the busy-ness.
i miss being busy? yes, i think i do.
the adrenaline rush i get from not having enough time, yet giving it my all and getting awesome results out of it...
fun, rite? hehe.
i must be crazy. lol.
i can't wait for friiiidayyyyy. shopping with mommy!! she promised :)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Cacioppo, Hawkley & Benson (2003)
'lonely individuals exhibit sleep problems.'
me is the lonely-ze?
what gawd no!
who you ? to bull me shit
gots to kill the lonely-zeness dang.
come, fly with me.can?
bamm the snihzits.bamm bamm.
references: fark APA.
me is the lonely-ze?
what gawd no!
who you ? to bull me shit
gots to kill the lonely-zeness dang.
come, fly with me.can?
bamm the snihzits.bamm bamm.
references: fark APA.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
some one said that i've become very lazy. that idiot that said that i'm lazy cos i didn't update my blog like gila lama. haha. faizal, shardap la you! =P
and another some one said that my blog sudah berkulat. haha. that some one got blog ade!! woohooo. check out . john, u damn like your taman hor? haha.
anyway, although the day's gonna end in less than an hour...happie valentine's dayyyyy!!! love you all, nice creatures! : )
and another some one said that my blog sudah berkulat. haha. that some one got blog ade!! woohooo. check out . john, u damn like your taman hor? haha.
anyway, although the day's gonna end in less than an hour...happie valentine's dayyyyy!!! love you all, nice creatures! : )
Monday, January 12, 2009
and here it goes again...
i thought this sem would not be as bad as last sem...
but i guess not. this sem is crazy!!! gila banyak projects and much for hoping, huh??
and it's only week 2. i noe i complain alot, but u seriously would not want to be in my position...but then again, without all these craziness, i would not have a life. i guess.
bear with me, i'm really trying to be a lil more optimistic. at least for now.
if u've been wondering why i don't upload any more pics, that's because my phone camera punya button spoil ade. =( duno what happened. like emma said, i mmg tak ngam with camera's one.
speaking about cams, my dad got me a new webcam *cos my old built in one rosak d.there, u see. i mmg no luck with cams*. i wonder how long this webcam will last *touch wood*
OKIE. gotta start planning my timetable for this semester. dun wana screw up. =
but i guess not. this sem is crazy!!! gila banyak projects and much for hoping, huh??
and it's only week 2. i noe i complain alot, but u seriously would not want to be in my position...but then again, without all these craziness, i would not have a life. i guess.
bear with me, i'm really trying to be a lil more optimistic. at least for now.
if u've been wondering why i don't upload any more pics, that's because my phone camera punya button spoil ade. =( duno what happened. like emma said, i mmg tak ngam with camera's one.
speaking about cams, my dad got me a new webcam *cos my old built in one rosak d.there, u see. i mmg no luck with cams*. i wonder how long this webcam will last *touch wood*
OKIE. gotta start planning my timetable for this semester. dun wana screw up. =
Saturday, January 10, 2009
second time, hopefully the last
i lost my pencil box AGAIN for the second time in 3 months. how lucky is that?? hmmph, for those who have seen my pencil box, you would know that i have the complete stationery set; every single thing: from ruler to pen to stapler to glue to scissors to tape to highlighter to liquid paper to whatever lah. i used to have the 'whatever you need, you can get it from me'-kind-of-pencil-box. and yesterday i had to buy everything again.... sobs. hopefully *crossing fingers* i won't lose it again...!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
one of the things i wanna do before i die
today we had a blardy 6 hour break in between classes, so mich and i followed emma on a joyride to pick up her siblings, kira and baim from school and sent them back to their house in kota kemuning *damn freaking far!* as usual, there was a jam on the way back to her house. and as i was daydreaming in the back seat *with the damn seatbelt on*, i suddenly thought of ambulances. i bet you know that we have to give way to those ambulance with the sirens on rite?
thinking about the ambulance, i imagined us driving the ambulance with the sirens on *for fun* so that we can get past the traffic jam in a jiffy. dat will be totally cool !!! now have to go find out if i know any ambulance drivers or not. =P or we could just curi an ambulance one day, just for the thrill. =) *sneaky ideas going through my mind like crazieeee now*
thinking about the ambulance, i imagined us driving the ambulance with the sirens on *for fun* so that we can get past the traffic jam in a jiffy. dat will be totally cool !!! now have to go find out if i know any ambulance drivers or not. =P or we could just curi an ambulance one day, just for the thrill. =) *sneaky ideas going through my mind like crazieeee now*
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
just so you know
gosh, it's been awhile since i've updated you with my rantings. and yes, much has happened over the period of my absence here.
after my finals *which weren't as bad as i had expected it to be* were over, i was back home in taiping. and since it was the xmas season, most of the time spent was about xmas. i did come back to kl for dinesh and debbie's wedding *which was so so awesome, one of the best weddings i've ever attended*. i drank like nobody's business and danced crazily.=) also got to meet up with edel, whom i knew when i was about 5 or 6. we used to love archie and watch cartoons together.haha. she's from newzealand, so it was nice seeing her all grown up.=)
from carolling and christmas cookies and christmas parties and turkeys and lambs and wine and more wine and food and dressing up*this year's theme for me was sexayyy*, xmas this year was indeed great cos i spent it with people whom i love and care about. =)
carolling at tesco~
oh guessed what, i can now marinate lamb and chicken!! bahahaha. it was indeed fun preparing for the barbeque we had in church... we had no choice but to have a barbeque cos tesco smartly gave us a rm150 tesco voucher for carolling there. though we were disappointed with tesco for ONLY giving us rm150 and of all things A VOUCHER, we had lots of fun shopping for the food. =)
ahhhh, another year has come and gone just like that. i wouldn't say that 2008 was my best year.i made a lot of stupid decisions and did some stuff which i'm not really proud of. but oh well, shit happens. haha. =P
and i'm so glad it's 2009 already. i've decided that i'm going to do things differently this year. i know it's only 6 days into the new year but i'm pretty serious about these changes i wanna make. so far so good. =)
ooooh, did i tell you that i'm staying in bangsar now. i've moved in with ella and vanessa...and i'm loving it here already. it's so nice having a roommate and housemates. they're such nice people.=) i do miss aunty rosalind and nevy *the maid who always laugh when she sees me*.i shall say no more bout them *or else il start tearing*
p/s: i'm glad we're close again. =)
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