1) i woke up early....but wasted my time doing dunno what that i was late in the end. had to take the cab to coll. bloody cab driver took the wrong way. reached coll right on the dot, just in time for my psychological test nonsense.
2) psych test was shitty. i kept skipping questions without knowing and circled most of my answers wrongly...wasted time liquidpaper-ing the answers. yes, am very anal about neatness. eyes were @.@ by the time i was done with the test.
3) had to go all the way back to mainblock to meet mich, emma n nessa for L4D! but while i was walking up the stairs to meet them...*guess i was so excited cos can finally play L4D all*...i tripped. i farking tripped! rofl. squeaked 'fark' in public. :P and i didn't realise any wounds until i looked down. at first, i saw my nail polish on my big left toenail was scraped off...but then....i saw the nail buldgeing out halfway....ewwwww. i broke my toenail!!
looks horrible horrrrrrr.
4) kena laughed at by mich, emma, ella and nessa from the moment i told them what happened, in the clinic and all day! ishhh. such bytches*whom i still love of course. :P*!! had to fork out 20 bucks just for dressing. maleh.
5) some girl stepped on my foot *the other one, thank god!* while i was paying for my food. ishhh.
6) in design class, we sit on these chairs that got the table thing *can move one*. and the lap thingie fell on my head while i was trying to take my file. ish.
7) and then when i was coming out of the bus, my poor wounded toe terkena nessa's shoes.....PAINNNN!!!!
8) and i couldn't sleep most of the night cos the toe like that...finally settled for an awkward position. LOL.
and now i'm walking around like with a bandaged toe! sooooo retarded. :P

bahahaha. :P
i am such a clumsydumsy, aren't i?
owh.....such a bad day *ons bad day for rach to hear*..
u play L4D? cool! not that i know...but still..it's great!
Hope your toe gets better soon Dear friend...
Take care & be careful when climbing stairs next time..
GOD bless! ;)
eww.dats ur toe??
wtf??so teruk.pity pity.*geleng geleng kepala*
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